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Judges Profiles

Keiko Parker Born in Tokyo, Japan, Keiko Parker came to Canada in 1957. She received a Teacher’s Diploma, ARCT, from the Royal Conservatory of Toronto, and for 46 years taught music (piano and theoretical subjects such as harmony, counterpoint, music history, and analysis) at her own studio in Burnaby. Keiko graduated with an MA degree from the Department of English at the University of British Columbia Graduate School. At present she holds bi-monthly meetings of Music Appreciation and of Reading Jane Austen in English. She has translated Austen’s EMMA, which was published in Japan in 2012, and her second translation is expected to be published this fall.Her two sons, Jon Kimura Parker and Jamie Parker, are both concert pianists. Jon Kimura Parker is an Officer of the Order of Canada, and Jamie is a 3-time recipient of Canada’s highest award for recorded music, the Juno Award.

パーカー 敬子東京生まれ。1957年に渡加。トロント王室音楽院からARCT の教師資格を得て、46年間音楽教室を持ち生徒の指導(ピアノ、及び和音、対位法、音楽史、アナリーゼなどの音楽理論)にあたる。University of British Columbia 大学院文学部英文科で修士号 (MA) を取得。現在自宅で「音楽の会」と「ジェーン・オースティンを(英語で)読む会」を主催。訳書にオースティン作『エマ』(2012)があり、今秋二册目出版の予定。息子二人ジョン・キムラ・パーカーとジェイミー・パーカーは共にピアノ演奏家。ジョンはオーダー・オブ・カナダのオフィサー級受賞者、ジェイミーはグリフィン・トリオのピアニストで、カナダ音楽界の最高賞ジューノー賞を三度受賞。

YAYOI HIRANOYayoi Hirano is a graduate of Toho Gakuen College of drama (1972), and in 1975 co-founded Mime Theatre Pierrot-kan to popularize pantomime in Japan through modern works. Over the past 30 years she has continued her study of Japanese dance and movement such as Kagura, Noh, Kyogen, Kabuki-dance as well as western dance both classic ballet and modern dance. Very early in her career she has had a passion for teaching mime, dance and movement.

In 1989, she became the first mime artist to receive the Japanese Ministry of Education Fellowship, and spent a year collaborating with mime and dance artists in Germany and Canada. In 1990, she founded YAYOI THEATRE MOVEMENT. Her international performances include festival appearances in Germany, Slovakia and 7 other European countries numerous Asian tours as well as five North American tours.

May 2011, she produced and performed a dance work “Identity-Ancestral Memory” in collaboration with Jay Hirabayashi (Kokoro Dance) at the Revue Stage on Granville Island in Vancouver. Since 2011 Yayoi and her company have participated in the Canada Day Parade presenting a traditional Japanese festival dance “Vancouver Ondo” with over 100 dancers. 

平野弥生1972年3月、桐朋学園大学演劇コース卒業、同時にマイム公演活動を開始。’75年、マイムシアターぴえろ館の結成に参画。各アンサンブル公演に出演。並行して、渋谷ジアンジアン等で一人芝居を上演。’85年より、本格的にソロマイム公演活動を開始。’89年、マイム界初の文化庁在外研修員として一年間、ドイツ、カナダでマイム、クラウニング、ダンス等を研修。帰国後’90年独立。YAYOI THEATRE MOVEMENTを主宰。


Tak MaedaTrumpeter/ConductorAfter he had played his trumpet for a decade with the Kansai Philharmonic Orchestra (1979-1989), Tak moved to Canada and jumped into various music scenes in BC. He played trumpet with the Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble (1990-1994) then started directing local community groups, such as Mount Olivet Lutheran Church Choir and North Vancouver Youth Band.

Currently Tak is the music director of three community bands (the Sea to Sky Wind Ensemble, the West Vancouver Concert Band, and the West Vancouver Pops Band), as well as one of the guest conductors with the Pacific Symphonic Wind Ensemble.

Tak graduated from Osaka College of Music with a bachelor of music.

Tak MaedaTrumpeter/Conductor大阪音楽大学卒業。関西フィルハーモニー管弦楽団トランペット奏者を10年間務める間、ソロ奏者および吹奏楽指導者としても西日本各地のフェスティバルなどで活躍。

1990年カナダ移住。Mount Olivet Luthran Church 聖歌隊ディレクター、North Vancouver Youth Band バンドマスターなどを経て、現在は3つの市民楽団、Sea to Sky Wind Ensemble, West Vancouver Concert Band, West Vancouver Pops Band の音楽監督を兼任。


Tiara SorensenTiara Sorensen has been a professional model for over twenty years. She has been on the cover of magazines, and worked internationally doing runway, editorial and commercials in New York, Milan, Toronto, Munich, Barcelona and more.  She has been acting in the film industry here in Vancouver for the last 13 years and has guest starred on several TV shows and feature films. She is an accomplished musician and composer and is currently recording her first album as a singer songwriter. She has recently started producing events to unite people together and build a sustainable community.

Tiara SorensenTiara Sorensenは20年以上、プロのモデルとして活躍してきました。雑誌の​​表紙を飾り、ニューヨーク、ミラノ、トロント、ミュンヘン、バルセロナなどでファッションショーのステージ、編集やコマーシャルなどの仕事を国際的に行ってきました。ここ13年ほどはバンクーバーの映画業界で活動しており、テレビ番組や長編映画にゲスト出演しています。また、彼女は優れたミュージシャン・作曲家であり、現在シンガーソングライターとしての初のアルバムを製作しています。最近、人と人を結びつけ、持続可能なコミュニティを構築するためのイベントプロデュースを開始しました。

Ernie BodrogiErnie has been a business owner in Burnaby for 17 years now, running Credit Counsellors of BC (1998) Limited.

Previously, he lived in Tokyo for 5 years teaching Tokyu BE Language School.

Ernie BodrogiErnieはバーナビーで17年間、Credit Counsellors of BC (1998) Limitedの経営者をしてきました。

以前、東京のTokyu BE語学学校にて5年間教えていたことがあります。

Marie CahillMarie Cahill received her B.Mus. (Hons.) degree from McGill University in 1977. She was a teaching assistant at McGill and later taught at the McGill Conservatory of Music while doing post-graduate work in music. Marie studied piano at Acadia University under Matt Hughes, then at McGill University with Kenneth Woodman. She was on the executive of the Vancouver Music Festival Workshop committee for many years and was a conductor and coach for the multi-piano group Pianos Galore. She is past-president and current director of the Vancouver Metropolitan Orchestra, an organization geared to give performance opportunities to university music students who intend to pursue a career in music.

Marie Cahillマリー・カヒルは1977年、マギル大学音楽学部で優等学位を取得しました。マギル大学では教育助手をし、大学院で学ぶ間はマギル音楽学校で教鞭を取りました。ピアノはアケーディア大学でマット・ヒューズに師事、後にマギル大学ではケネス・ウッドマンに師事しました。

長年、Vancouver Music Festival Workshop役員ほか、ピアノ連弾グループ『Piano Galore』の指揮者兼指導者を務めました。

現在は、演奏家を目指す学生たちにプロと同じ設定で機会を与えるトレーニングオーケストラVancouver Metropolitan Orchestraの理事(元代表)を務めています。

Hiroshi Yamaguchi (tsugaru shamisen) 
Hiroshi began his musical studies at the age of four with his father Koji Yamaguchi. He first studied Tsugaru Shamisen under the tutelage of Katsuhiro Chiba and began placing and winning national competitions at a young age. In 2001 he completed his graduate degree from the Department of Traditional Japanese Music at Tokyo National University of Fine Arts and Music. He has performed for high profile audiences such as playing Tate Shamisen for the Imperial prince, Mikasanomiya Takahito. Hiroshi has done extensive international tours including Austria, Canada, China, Croatia, Germany, Korea, Spain, Thailand, Vietnam, the United Kingdom, and the USA.

津軽三味線 山口ひろし4歳の頃、父山口浩二により津軽三味線を知る。その後、千葉勝弘の指導の下で津軽三味線を学び、若いながらも全国大会優勝した。2001年に東京芸術大学大学院音楽研究科邦楽専攻を修了。2002年より津軽三味線+笛+和太鼓による4人組ユニット『Shake CHA-z(シェイクチャーズ)』メンバーとして国内、海外ツアー等に参加し、他、ソロコンサート/演奏会/海外公演/テレビ/ラジオ/レコーディング/ワークショップ等に多数出演。邦楽界のみならず、さまざまな分野のアーティストと共演、幅広い活動を行っている。

Roger LemireExecutive DirectorRoger Lemire has been the Executive Director of the Nikkei National Museum and Cultural Centre since October, 2013. He is a senior leader with an extensive background with both corporate and not for profit organisations. His experience encompasses an array of areas which include guest experience, marketing, media relations, volunteer development and community engagement. Roger has been in the employ of organisations such as CTV, Bell, Kellogg Canada, Vancouver Canucks, Vancouver Grizzlies, Vancouver Giants, Vancouver Aquarium, The Calgary Flames as well as senior management rolls with National and International Events.

Roger LemireExecutive Directorロジャー・レイミーは2013年10月から日系センターの事務局長に就任。企業や非営利団体での幅広い経験を持つ上級幹部で、ゲストの招待、マーケティング、メディアとの対応、地域社会での活動、ボランティアの開拓といったさまざまな分野での経験があります。ロジャーは、CTV、Bell、ケロッグ・カナダ、バンクーバー・カナックス、バンクーバー・グリズリーズ、バンクーバー・ジャイアンツ、バンクーバー水族館、カルガリー・フレイムズや国内外のイベントのシニア・マネジメントといった企業や組織に従事してきました。