Our History & Matsuri in Japan
Bringing Nikkei Matsuri to Burnaby

“Matsuri” is the Japanese word for festival. Since 2013, Nikkei Matsuri has been a core fundraising event for Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre (NNMCC), with the proceeds providing critical funding for its cultural, educational, and museum projects and initiatives.
It is a 3-day celebration of Japanese arts and culture through food, music, entertainment, Japanese-style kids games and more. Prior to the pandemic, 14,000+ people to Nikkei Centre to enjoy the many festivities Nikkei Matsuri has to offer.
Nikkei Matsuri is one of the many ways the NNMCC is working to fulfil its mission to honour, preserve, and share Japanese culture and Japanese Canadian history and heritage.
This festival is made possible by the efforts of our hardworking staff, volunteers, and the generous support of corporate sponsors and donors. Together, we are able to bring rich cultural experiences to all ages year after year.

The History of Matsuri in Japan
The original matsuri in Japan is a ceremony to thank, pray, and commemorate gods, ancestors, and Buddha. There are many types of Matsuri: it can be a celebration to offer thanks for a large catch of fish, good business, health of a family, prosperity, and many more. During the event season, the focus of the Matsuri varies from region to region.
A typical Matsuri hosted by a Shinto Shrine or Buddhist Temple has local people carrying mikoshi, which represents the guardian god. These participants wear happi coats, and dance along (bon-odori dance) with the parade. Today, matsuri is held to unite the community through an event that brings young and old together. Hundreds of small and large matsuri happen throughout the year in Japan.
A matsuri has two aspects – one is a strict religious ritual and the other is a merrymaking celebration that allows the people carrying mikoshi to wear fundoshi (loincloth).

In the Shinto religion, the Shinto spirit rests in the Shinto shrine. During matsuri time, the Shinto spirit gets carried in the portable shrine, or mikoshi.

Bon-Odori Dance
The Bon-odori dance is held to honour a departed soul. Bon is a midsummer Buddhist celebration honouring the souls of the dead. Members of the local community perform the Bon-odori dance around the yagura, which is set up in the centre of the matsuri.

A tower set up in the centre of a plaza at the matsuri. People play music on the yagura.

Happi Coat
The traditional clothing worn at a matsuri is a knee- or hip-length top coat with long sleeves. It normally has a family, group, or town emblem on the back, chest, or on the collar. Happi coats are also worn at company promotions, and can also be a uniform for firefighters.

Photo by Geoff Chen Photography
Shishi-Mai (Lion Dance)
In Shishi-mai, or lion dance, a dancer dances around the matsuri wearing a lion head. Originally, this dance was used to ward off the plague and devils. Since the Edo period, it has been considered a lucky dance, and today it is performed at many festivals.