Getting to Nikkei Matsuri
Nikkei Matsuri takes place at Nikkei Centre
Nikkei Centre is located at the corner of Kingsway and Sperling in south Burnaby, at the geographic centre of Metro Vancouver. Nikkei Place is accessible by public transit, automobile, and cycling. We encourage visitors to take advantage of public transit to help reduce traffic and support environmental sustainability.
Address: 6688 Southoaks Crescent, Burnaby BC, V5E4M7
Contact us: 604.777.7000 or [email protected]
Tel: 604.777.7000
Email: [email protected]
Getting to Nikkei Matsuri

The nearest SkyTrain station to 6688 Southoaks Crescent is Edmonds Station at Edmonds and 19th Street in Burnaby. Watch the Youtube video for the shortest way to walk to Nikkei Centre. The walk takes about fifteen minutes.
The Highland Park Line Trail is between Nikkei Place and Beresford Street. It follows the skytrain line all the way from Vancouver. Please note that on some maps it’s called the Central Valley Greenway or BC Parkway.
From the West
Drive East on Kingsway until you come to Southoaks Crescent, just past Gilley. Turn right on Southoaks Crescent. The Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre and Nikkei Home are on your right and New Sakura-so is on your left.
From the East
Drive East on Kingsway until you come to Southoaks Crescent (the street is called Sperling heading north). Turn left on Southoaks Crescent. The Nikkei National Museum & Cultural Centre and Nikkei Home are on your left and New Sakura-so is on your right.
Event Day: Limited day paid parking will be available.
We encourage you to take advantage of public transportation and the Highland Park Line Trail for walking and cycling. Please be courteous to our neighbours and do not park on private property.
Take the 119 Bus from Metrotown Skytrain Station or Edmonds Skytrain Station and get off at Kingsway and Sperling.
6688 Southoaks Crescentに最も近いSkyTrainの駅は、バーナビーのエドモンズと19番通りにあるエドモンズ駅です。日系センターへの最短の徒歩ルートを紹介したYouTube動画をご覧ください。徒歩で約15分かかります。
Parking at Mini Matsuri
Advance: There will be no advanced parking for the public at Mini Matsuri 2021.